Fed Up With the Media

Is it any wonder why people are fed up with the media? Media includes TV and radio stations as well as newspaper publications.

Here are typical examples of sloppy, irresponsible journalism which involve the so-called reporter, John Fritze.


He’s done it again!

He’s done it again! In the article, “Jamal Bryant says he will run for congress,” 9-15-15, Mr. Fritze states, “Reps. Donna F. Edwards of Prince George’s County and Chris Van Hollen of Montgomery County are the two Democrats who have entered the Senate race so far.’
Not only in this article has Mr. Fritze refused to mention my name as a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate. but also in all of his previous works on the upcoming Senate race, he has failed to point out my name. Moreover, there are other Democrats who have also officially filed, and no revelation of them has been made either.

So what is Mr. Fritze’s problem?
Is it because Mr. Fritze does not like the fact that I am a teacher, not a career politician?
Is it because of the fact I do not take campaign contributions because they are disguised bribes?
Is it because, by design, I do not raise thousands and millions of dollars for my campaigns?
Is it because, unlike career politicians who don’t always tell the truth, I do tell the truth?
Is because I am Jewish and Orthodox?
Is it because I live in Baltimore?
Is it because I am leading a movement to get rid of all the moral bankruptcy in Maryland government?
Is it because in the 2014 Democratic gubernatorial primary, I received 3219 votes on a budget, by design, of less than $460 – votes that I am proud of and would not trade for all of Governor Hogan’s and Mr. Brown’s votes put together because my votes were attained by my persistent practice of ethical principles? Is that what Mr. Fritze does not like?

What bothers me is the fact Mr. Fritze’s writing shows no evidence of having learned in journalism school that a reporter should provide accurate information when covering a story. When he purposely omits the accurate facts, again and again, he is doing a tremendous injustice to his readership and calls into question his journalistic credibility. Doesn’t he get it – doesn’t he understand that citizens are fed up with career politicians and are open to new people with new ideas and good moral character?

When I continue to read his faulty writing, I can only come to the conclusion Mr. Fritze is either stubborn or does not care about journalistic ethics. He doesn’t even report that neither Rep. Edwards or Rep Van Hollen has formally filed for candidacy in Annapolis.

What I am not able to understand is why the editors of the Baltimore Sun do not correct his sloppy journalism? I believe, Mr. Fritze’s lack of reporting reliability speaks volumes as to why the Baltimore Sun has been in a downward spiral with regard to its lack of credibility and decreased circulation for the last 15 years.

Ralph Jaffe
Teacher and Democratic candidate for United States Senate


Room for Improvement

Instead of serving as a reporter and providing all of the facts with regard to the April 2016 primary, Mr. Fritze continues to serve as an analyzer inserting his own bias and opinion as to what constitutes a credible candidate.

The most recent evidence of this appeared in the Monday and Wednesday editions of the Baltimore Sun. In the article, “Delegate mounting US Senate campaign,” 9-28-15, he stated, “Reps Donna Edwards of Prince George’s County and Chris Van Hollen of Montgomery County have been campaigning aggressively for the job.” Why is Mr. Fritze discounting the fact that 9 people have officially filed for candidacy while Reps. Edwards and Van Hollen and Del. Kathy Szeliga have not.

In the article, “Ruppersberger won’t run for U.S. Senate,” 9-3015, real evidence of deception appeared. Mr. Fritze stated, “Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger said Tuesday he will run for re-election rather than seek the Democratic nomination for senate in Maryland, all but assuring his party will not have a Baltimore-based candidate in the race for Sen. Barbara Mikulski’s seat next year.” This is a blatant falsehood. For your information, Ms. Canzian, I live in Baltimore and l have officially filed  as a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate.

Perhaps, Ms. Canzian,  you could impart your expertise to Mr. Fritze on writing accurate articles about the U.S. Senate election.

Ralph Jaffe

Teacher and Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate


Bring Back the Fairness Doctrine – Follow Up

No surprise! My petition fell on deaf ears! Here’s the response of the Federal Communications Commission.


Washington, DC 20554

September 21, 2015

VIA EMAIL TO: rjaffe4@verison.net

Ralph Jaffe
7618 Carla Rd
Baltimore MD 21208

Re: Complaints against: WBAL Hearst Television, Inc., Licensee of Station
WBAL-TV, Baltimore, MD; CBS Television Licenses, LLC, Licensee of Station
WJZ-TV, Baltimore, MD; Scripps Media Inc. Licensee of Station WMAR-TV,
Baltimore, MD; and WUSA-TV, Inc., Licensee of Station WUSA(TV),
Washington, DC

Mr. Jaffe:

This is in response to your complaints against the above-referenced commercial
television stations submitted to the Commission via emails between August 17 and 24, 2015. You allege that the television stations have failed to provide adequate coverage of your candidacy for the office of United States Senator from Maryland.

The commission’s role with respect to program content is very limited. The Commission has stated, “(t)he First Amendment to the United States Constitution and section 326 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, prohibit the Commission from censoring program material and from interfering with broadcasters’ freedom of expression.” 1 As a consequence, the decision as to what may be included in a broadcast news report generally is a matter within the discretion and good faith judgment of each licensee.2

Based on the information that you have provided, we find no basis for taking action against any of the stations referenced above.

Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Sections 0.61 (c) of the Commission’s Rules,3 your complaint against the referenced television stations ARE DISMISSED.


Gary Schonman
Special Counsel
Policy Division
Media Bureau

1 In the Matter of Complaint Against Various Broadcast Licensees Regarding Their Airing of the UPN
Network Program “Buffy the Vamire Slayer” on November 20, 2001, Memorandum Opinion and Order 19, FCC Red. 15995, 15996 (2004), citing U.S. CONST., amend. 1; and 47 U.S.C.{ 326(2002).

2 See Letter to Richard L. Emge, Esq., et al., from Barbara A. Kreisman, Chief Video Division, Media
Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, 25 FCC Red. 10044 (MB 2010).

3 47 C.F.R. {0.61(c)