Wake Up Baltimore Sun

The article, “Sharp words between Edwards, Van Hollen in 1st Senate debates,” 3-19-16 does a good job in describing the attacks these two candidates are hurling at one another all for the goal – to outcon their constituents and gain their votes.

However, the article, as well as others in the past, fail miserably in informing your readers of the views and qualifications of the other 8 Democratic candidates running for the U.S. Senate seat to replace Barbara Mikulski. This irresponsible journalism encourages the phony career politicians to continue taking super PAC campaign contribution bribes and to continue putting their own selfish interests above those of the people whom they are supposed to serve. Is it any wonder why we have a serious crime problem, a serious education problem, a serious economic problem, and a government saturated with moral bankruptcy?
Will the Baltimore Sun ever “wake up” and give fair coverage to ALL of the candidates running for the U.S. Senate

Ralph Jaffe
Teacher and Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate

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